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15 files

  1. eMMC file and CV358H-A50 chassis update file
    The following files are available in this pack
    1. EMMC file
    2. Update file if you have a problem with the image
    3. The files related to changing the logo + the file related to solving the MIRROR problem
    4. ICEN learning control Eeprom file (control sample whose IC Eeprom is 24C256 should be used)
    These files are for repairmen and the basic work is done by the programmer. There is no refund after payment, so be careful when buying
    The file link can only be used for 1 days, download the file immediately after purchase
    • $23
  2. eMMC chassis P130-2841V6.1
    The following files are available in this pack
    1. EMMC file
    2. ICEN learning control Eeprom file (control sample whose IC Eeprom is 24C256 should be used)
    These files are for repairmen and the basic work is done by the programmer. There is no refund after payment, so be careful when buying
    The file link can only be used for 2 days, download the file immediately after purchase
    • $20
  3. eMMC file and chassis update file P75-2841V6.0 General Gold Model: 40RK7500TS
    The following files are available in this pack
    1. EMMC file
    2. Update file
    These files are for repairmen and the basic work is done by the programmer. There is no refund after payment, so be careful when buying
    The file link can only be used for 2 days, download the file immediately after purchase
    • $20
  4. eMMC TV Startrak model SD-43D-NJ1200 SMART chassis CV358H-T42
    The following files are available in this pack
    1. EMMC file
    These files are for repairmen and the basic work is done by the programmer. There is no refund after payment, so be careful when buying
    The file link can only be used for 1 days, download the file immediately after purchase
    • $15
  5. eMMC file Star X TV model STAR-X 50uh680v chassis TP.MT2255S.PC822
    The following files are available in this pack
    1. EMMC file
    2. Update file
    Update method: After the IC EMMC program, put the contents of the UPDATE folder in a FAT32 formatted flash drive and install the flash drive to the TV and connect the plug to the power. and it takes about 7 minutes, and after finishing the LED flashing fast, unplug the plug and remove the flash.
    Important: Please note that after the update, the TV logo will change and you should use the control whose image is above with the SHINON brand, apparently it is the same as the Gold Finch model (must be tested).
    These files are for repairmen and the basic work is done by the programmer. There is no refund after payment, so be careful when buying
    The file link can only be used for 2 days, download the file immediately after purchase
    • $20
  6. eMMC TV 32 inch IMPEX chassis TP.SK506S.PB802
    The following files are available in this pack
    1. EMMC file
    2. The file related to changing the logo
    Note: In this file, the main control is disabled and it is necessary to use the universal mother control. The V-1190 model mother control can be easily set to the TV.
    These files are for repairmen and the basic work is done by the programmer. There is no refund after payment, so be careful when buying
    The file link can only be used for 1 day, download the file immediately after purchase
    • $18
  7. eMMC TV 55 inches UNEVA chassis CV9632-KH model U-CLASS/T2S2
    The following files are available in this pack
    1. EMMC file (taken by EASY JTAG programmer) can be used in RT809H - IC number KLM8G1GETF-B041
    These files are for repairmen and the basic work is done by the programmer. There is no refund after payment, so be careful when buying
    The file link can only be used for 1 day, download the file immediately after purchase
    • $25
  8. eMMC file 55 inch TV MEDIASTAR chassis TP.SK706S.PC822 model MS-55SU T2S2/F
    The following files are available in this pack
    1. EMMC file (taken by EASY JTAG programmer) can be used in RT809H
    These files are for repairmen and the basic work is done by professional programmers. There is no refund after payment, so be careful when buying
    The file link can only be used for 1 day, download the file immediately after purchase
    • $18
  9. eMMC file of 55 inch TV GPLUS chassis HK.T.RT2851V01 model GTV-55KU722S.CHC00
    The following files are available in this pack
    1. EMMC file (taken by EASY JTAG programmer) can be used in RT809H
    2. Update file (the EMMC file is related to another TV, be sure to update it after the program)
    Can be used for 50KU722S model
    Note: In this model, the hard IC must be replaced, and the best option is the IC number H26M52103FMR with a volume of 16G.
    These files are for repairmen and the basic work is done by professional programmers. There is no refund after payment, so be careful when buying
    The file link can only be used for 1 day, download the file immediately after purchase
    • $20
  10. eMMC file of Hisense TV model H50B7300, 50B7100UW chassis RSAG7.820.8751/ROH
    The following files are available in this pack
    1. EMMC file
    Important: The EMMC IC of this model with the number THGBMNG5D1LBIT is damaged, and due to the lack of this IC, you can use the SanDisk 8 GB IC with the number SDIN7DP2-8G
    These files are for repairmen and the basic work is done by the programmer. There is no refund after payment, so be careful when buying
    The file link can only be used for 2 days, download the file immediately after purchase
    • $18
  11. eMMC file for 55 inch AFTRON TV, chassis TP.SK706S.PC822, model AFLED5520DUSHW
    The following files are available in this pack
    1. EMMC file (taken by EASY JTAG programmer) can be used in RT809H
    2. Use the mother control or the Media Star controls
    These files are for repairmen and the basic work is done by professional programmers. There is no refund after payment, so be careful when buying
    The file link can only be used for 1 day, download the file immediately after purchase
    • $18
  12. eMMC file of 55 inch SONY TV chassis 31-805-980-1 model KDL-55W800C
    1-980-805-31: chassis
    The following files are available in this pack
    1. EMMC file (taken by EASY JTAG programmer)
    These files are for repairmen and the basic work is done by professional programmers. There is no refund after payment, so be careful when buying
    The file link can only be used for 1 day, download the file immediately after purchase
    • $22
  13. eMMC file of 43 inch TV UNEVA chassis TP.SK508S.PB802
    The following files are available in this pack
    1. EMMC file
    These files are for repairmen and the basic work is done by the programmer. There is no refund after payment, so be careful when buying
    The file link can only be used for 1 day, download the file immediately after purchase
    • $18
  14. eMMC file for 50 inch SAMSUNG TV, chassis VR50US120, model UE50NU7002U
    The following files are available in this pack
    1. EMMC file (taken by EASY JTAG programmer) can be used by RT809H
    2. Flash file 25Q40
    3. Eeprom ACE24C512
    4. Eeprom FM25Q08
    These files are for repairmen and the basic work is done by professional programmers. There is no refund after payment, so be careful when buying
    The file link can only be used for 1 day, download the file immediately after purchase
    • $16
  15. eMMC file of 43 inch TV MEDIASTAR chassis TP.HV352T.PB756(N) model MS-43STS2/F
    The following files are available in this pack
    1. EMMC file (taken by EASY JTAG programmer) can be used by RT809H
    These files are for repairmen and the basic work is done by professional programmers. There is no refund after payment, so be careful when buying
    The file link can only be used for 1 day, download the file immediately after purchase
    • $18